測试脚本(已验证,来自于http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/ntopic21611.html): 要交互的脚本(talk.sh)例如以下: #!/bin/bash echo "Who are you?" read who echo "Hello,$who" echo "Are you happy?" read answer echo "why?" read answer 实现自己主动应答的脚本auto.sh例如以下: #!/bin/bash expect<<- END spawn ./talk.sh expect "who" send "firefly\n" expect "happy?" send "Yes,I am happy.\n" expect "why?" send "Because it worked!\n" expect eof exit END 运行auto.sh后能够看到自己主动交互例如以下: spawn ./talk.sh Who are you? firefly Hello,firefly Are you happy? Yes,I am happy. why? Because it worked! 眼下仅仅用到了expect最主要的使用方法,只是对用脚本实现自己主动化已经非常实用了 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- expect 实现su root: #!/usr/bin/expect #created by neilzhao of linpus corp. set passwd 111111 spawn su expect "Password:" send "$passwd\n" interact 自己主动ssh登录的几种方法 自己主动ssh登录的几种方法 1. 自己主动ssh/scp方法== A为本地主机(即用于控制其它主机的机器) ; B为远程主机(即被控制的机器Server), 假如ip为192.168.60.110; A和B的系统都是Linux 在A上执行命令: # ssh-keygen -t rsa (连续三次回车,即在本地生成了公钥和私钥,不设置password) # ssh "mkdir .ssh" (须要输入password) # scp ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub :.ssh/id_rsa.pub (须要输入password) 在B上的命令: # touch /root/.ssh/authorized_keys (假设已经存在这个文件, 跳过这条) # cat /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys (将id_rsa.pub的内容追加到authorized_keys 中) 回到A机器: # ssh (不须要password, 登录成功) 2. 控制n个机器如上所述自己主动登录 那就须要n对钥匙(密钥和公钥), ssh-keygen 命令能够任意更改钥匙对的名字, 比方: # ssh-keygen -t rsa Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa): /root/.ssh/id_rsa_192.168.60.110 这样私钥和公钥的名字分别就是: id_rsa_192.168.60.110和 id_rsa_192.168.60.110.pub;然后将 id_rsa_192.168.60.110.pub 文件的内容, 追加到sever的 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys文件里,最后, 在本地用ssh命令的 -i 參数指定本地密钥, 并登录: # ssh -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa_192.168.60.110 scp也是一样的 # scp -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa_192.168.60.110 filename :/home/someone 在文件.bashrc中加下两行,每次做相同的操作就不用敲入这样长的命令了: alias sshcell='ssh -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa_192.168.60.110 ' alias scpcell='scp -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa_192.168.60.110 filename :/home/someone' 这样,直接键入一下指令实现ssh和scp自己主动登录: # sshcell # scpcell 3. 自己主动ssh/scp脚本 假设须要从A,到B,然后才可以到C,那么须要ssh和scp两次,是比較麻烦的。 ssh自己主动登录: #!/usr/bin/expect -f set timeout 30 spawn ssh weiqiong@B expect "password:" send "pppppp\r" expect "]*" send "ssh weiqiong@C\r" expect "password:" send "pppppp\r" interact scp从A复制文件到C: #!/usr/bin/expect -f set timeout 300 set file [lindex $argv 0] spawn scp $file weiqiong@B:/home/weiqiong expect "password:" send "pppppp\r" expect "]*" spawn ssh weiqiong@B expect "password:" send "pppppp\r" expect "]*" send "scp $file weiqiong@C:/home/weiqiong\r" expect "password:" send "pppppp\r" expect "]*" exit interact scp从C复制文件到A: #!/usr/bin/expect -f set timeout 300 set file [lindex $argv 0] spawn ssh weiqiong@B expect "password:" send "pppppp\r" expect "]*" send "scp weiqiong@C:/home/weiqiong/$file .\r" expect "password:" send "pppppp\r" expect "]*" send "exit\r" expect "]*" spawn scp weiqiong@B:/home/weiqiong/$file . expect "password:" send "pppppp\r" interact 4. 建立ssh/scp通道 比方说我的机器是A,中间server为B,目标server是C<br> 从A能够ssh到B,从B能够ssh到C,可是A不能直接ssh到C<br> 如今展示利用ssh通道技术从A直接传输文件到C<br> 1. ssh -L1234:C:22 userid@B<br> input B's password<br> (1234是本机A的空暇port,该指令须要A机器上的root用户权限,实际上是在本机1234port建立了一个通道)<br> 2. 打开一个新的console,键入:<br> scp -P1234 filename userid@localhost:<br> input C's password